Artists have many ways of recording what inspires them. I occasionally use a sketch book but drawing is not a natural or pleasurable process for me. I therefore tend to make notes or take photographs.
My recent two month trip has captured in just over 600 images. Many of them are not typical holiday photos, they are taken to remind me of shapes, colours, textures and compositions. I don’t want photos of a scene so I can paint to replicate ‘that scene’, I prefer to absorb the various elements then create a new view from my imagination.

Most of the photos were taken with a camera and not a phone. The reason for this is that the camera offers far more flexibility. This trip I took two lenses, the first was an 18-200mm zoom, which will work beautifully on close-ups, landscapes and portraits. The alternative lens was a 150-500mm zoom which I use for wildlife, as it allows me to take photos from distance.

I store the photos on my computer and cross reference their venue with why I took the photo so I can easily search for something I want to recall. Occasionally I print something and put it up on the wall in my studio either because I like it or because it asks questions.
I have included some favourites from my trip, you may find elements of them in future paintings.
Gail Curry